29 Apr

Vietnam Vet Shames Baltimore Rioters With One Incredible Statement

Vietnam Vet Shames Baltimore Rioters With One Incredible Statement
During the Baltimore riots last night, CNN reporter Joe Johns walked up to a man on the street and asked him:
“Sir, who are you?”
The man responded:
“I’m just a soldier.”
That man was Vietnam veteran Robert Valentine, and what followed was one of the most incredible seventy-eight seconds that TV news has produced in a long time:
Johns: “You sort of took it upon yourself to tell those young people to go away. Aren’t you a little bit concerned for your own safety?”

Valentine: “Here’s number one. I did 30 years, okay? Came out a Master Sergeant. I’ve seen more than all this. I’ve been through the riots already. This right here is not relevant. They need to have their butts at home, they need to be in their home units with their family, studying and doing something with their life. Not out here protesting about something that’s not really nothing.

They do not respect this young man’s death, you know?…So I’m very pissed…

I love my country, I love my Charm City, and I’m an American. I’m not black, white, red, yellow, or nothing; I am American.”

Incredible words from Robert Valentine, an American hero.

Wild Thing’s comment.………….
God bless this man!!!!

TomR,armed in Texas says:

An honest man that wants to love and better his community. He is certainly bucking the wind.