28 Apr

Anti-Israel Jimmy Carter Will Meet With Hamas (they are terrorists) In Gaza This Week

Jimmy Carter Will Meet With Hamas (they are terrorists) In Gaza This Week
Former U.S. Democratic President Jimmy Carter will travel to the Gaza Strip on Thursday and meet with officials from Hamas, the Jihadist terror organization that rules the Palestinian territory.
“Carter will arrive in Gaza on Thursday through the [Israeli-controlled] Erez border crossing to meet with leading Hamas officials,” a Palestinian security spokesperson told Anadolu Agency, a news outlet based in Turkey.
Carter, 90, will meet with the Hamas military chief Ismail Haneya, Xinhua reports.
He will attempt to seek reconciliation between Palestinian factions Hamas and Fatah, the latter which rules the Palestinian areas of the West Bank. Carter has urged Saudi officials to help with his mediation efforts.
“Carter has lately met with prominent Saudi officials and urged their intervention to achieve reconciliation between Palestinian factions, which was welcomed by Riyadh,” a Hamas spokesperson told Anadolu Agency. “The Saudi government has begun preparations for mediation between the two movements to reach a ‘Mecca II’ agreement,” the spokesperson added.
Carter plans to arrive in the region on Thursday for a 3-day tour of Israel, the West Bank, and the Gaza Strip. His request to meet with Israel’s President and Prime Minister was denied. In refusing to meet with the 39th U.S. President, both offices cited his anti-Israel, pro-Hamas sentiments.

Wild Thing’s comment……….
Carter never met a U.S. enemy he didn’t want to cozy up to. Just like Obama.

BobF says:

Carter need to go away and build houses. He was a nothing has-been to the Democrats but when he started openly criticizing GW Bush, he had a reassurance in popularity. Now, with a president who hates Israel, like he does, he can become relevant in his own mind.