23 Apr

Veterans JR Martinez and Noah Galloway talk ‘Dancing with the Stars

JR Martinez and Noah Galloway talk ‘Dancing with the Stars
Former “Dancing with the Stars” winner JR Martinez sits down with fellow wounded warrior and current season contestant Noah Galloway for an in-depth conversation about military service, the nature of war, and dealing with a life-changing injury.

Wild Thing’s comment……….
Great interview. Noah has been doing so great on the dancing with the stars show.
This was a night that both Nick and I were brought to tears, so very proud of this Veteran Noah Galloway.

Noah Galloway & Sharna Burgess dance the Contemporary to “American Soldier” by Toby Keith on Dancing with the Stars’ Most Memorable Year Night!

TomR,armed in Texas says:

I’m just proud as I can be with these veterans. The atmosphere these days is so different from the need to withdraw inward after our return from Vietnam.