04 Apr

Veterans group sues State Department for not producing Clinton Benghazi emails

Veterans group sues State Department for not producing Clinton Benghazi emails
A veterans group that was among the first to announce its intention to sue the State Department in pursuit of a long-neglected Freedom of Information Act request after news of the Clinton email scandal broke will also seek the communications of a top agency staffer.
Veterans for a Strong America filed a lawsuit in a federal district court Wednesday in an attempt to compel the department to release former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s emails and phone records from noon on Sept. 11, 2012, the day of the terrorist attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, through noon the next day.
The group had asked for those records in a July 2014 FOIA request in the course of writing a book, The Difference It Makes, about the Libya attacks. The State Department failed to provide the requested records.
Joel Arends, chairman of Veterans for a Strong America, told the Washington Examiner his group now plans to file an additional FOIA request for the emails of Dennis Cheng, the former State Department deputy chief of protocol.
Cheng left the State Department to work at the Clinton Foundation, where he helped the massive global charity drum up millions of dollars in contributions. Prior to his time at State, Cheng served as finance director on Clinton’s previous Senate and presidential campaigns.
“We had a reliable Democratic Clinton source speak to us and tell us that that is something we should look into,” Arends said of Cheng’s involvement in the Clinton nexus of philanthropy and foreign policy that has drawn criticism for extensive appearances of conflicts of interest.
While Clinton is under fire for using a private email and server to conduct official business as secretary, the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation is also getting heavy scrutiny as a result of its receiving donations from foreign governments, corporations and individuals during and after her tenure in the State Department.
A number of other groups and media outlets have filed lawsuits against the agency in an attempt to force the release of records that might shed light on the former first lady’s activities as the nation’s chief diplomat.
Arends described the “outpouring of support” Veterans for a Strong America has received in the days since it revealed plans to move its eight-month long FOIA process into the courts.

Wild Thing’s comment………….
This is the first I have heard of this, but I am so glad they are doing this.