02 Apr

Vietnam Veterans of the Son Tay Raid shared their stories with the Special Forces counterparts

Vietnam Veterans relived a moment in time as veterans of the Son Tay Raid shared their stories with the Special Forces counterparts.

Wild Thing’s comment………..
It is so great that they did this, the special brotherhood of our Veterans and our troops serving today.

TomR,armed in Texas says:

I graduated Special Forces training the day after the Son Tay raid. A few days later I was part of an awards ceremony in honor of these men.
For the next year I was in 5th SF Group with several of these men on my A and B teams.
Even though everyone had Top Secret cerdentials these guys were tight lipped about some of the details of this raid. One tale though said they had killed over 100 people in a compound adjacent to the POW camp. These people were larger stature than Vietnamese and the rumor had that they were probably Chinese and Russian technicians training or maybe manning N. Viet air defenses.

Wild Thing says:

Tom thank you for sharing. It means a lot to me.