26 Dec

Anti-Gun ‘PSA’ Tells Kids to Turn in Their Parents’ Guns

Anti-Gun ‘PSA’ Tells Kids to Turn in Their Parents’ Guns
The video ad is complete with ominous piano-dominated background music, a recently created video intended to become a public service announcement (PSA) shows a teenage boy taking a gun out of a drawer in his parents’ bedroom and bringing it to school. At the end of a class period, he puts it on the desk of his shocked teacher and asks her, “Can you take this away? I don’t feel safe with a gun in my house.”
The video then shows the following words (in caps): “OUR CHILDREN DESERVE A SAFE WORLD,” followed by a frame demanding: “STOP GUN VIOLENCE NOW.”
The far left video public service announcement released by a San Francisco-based production company.

Wild Thing’s comment.……
They are working hard to try and turn America’s youth into Nazi Germany.

BobF says:

Since the kid was able to get hold of his parents gun, his parents will probably get arrested. As soon as the kid sets foot on school property with the gun, they will be expelled from school and be rewarded with a permanent police record for weapons violation.

TomR,armed in Texas says:

Sick. Communist tactics. Show kids the state will protect them from their parents. The Left in America JUST KNOWS they can make the East Berlin experiment successful this time.