09 Nov

Fmr. Israeli Ambassador: Obama’s Secret Letter to Tehran “Shows Weakness” – Is His 4TH COMMUNICATION to Iran

Fmr. Israeli Ambassador: Obama’s Secret Letter to Tehran “Shows Weakness” – Is His 4TH COMMUNICATION to Iran
Former Israeli Ambassador to the UN Dan Gillerman blasted Barack Obama today on America’s News HQ. The former Ambassador told Uma Pemmaraju Obama’s letter to Ayatollah Khamenei is shameful and “a letter of appeasement.”

“Israel is very upset and very surprised because that letter is really a letter of appeasement. It’s sleeping with the enemy the morning after sending him a love letter. And, as we know it it not the first time. It is probably the fourth communication between the president and the Iranian leadership. It totally disregards the fact that the recipient of that letter is a terror state which perpetrates, harbors, finances terror all over the world… To do this is a sign of weakness. The message it sends out to its allies, to America’s allies, especially to Israel is a message of weakness, of a weak America. And, the worse thing is the message it sends out to the Iranians is how eager the United States is to that deal. How eager the United States is to this evil, fundamentalist, cruel, extreme, cynical regime in Tehran… Neville Chamberlain… And what it says to America’s allies is they cannot rely on the United States and what it says to America’s enemies is that they can get away with murder… This is very dangerous… I think it’s a sign of desperation…”

Wild Thing’s comment.……
I have always liked Dan Gillerman , he truly is oe of the good guys.

darthcrUSAderworldtour07 says:

WE have an insane LAME DUCK that is not done quacking (agendas to go it ALONE)….