02 Nov

As Many As 30 Men Released From Gitmo Now Fighting With ISIS And Other Terrorist Groups

As Many As 30 Men Released From Gitmo Now Fighting With ISIS And Other Terrorist Groups
Remember how we were told about all those innocent goat-herders Uncle Sam was unfairly keeping locked up at Gitmo?
Well, now comes news that as many as 30 former Guantanamo detainees — some released within the past three years — are believed by US officials to be fighting in Syria with ISIS and other terrorist groups.
Others, reports Fox News, are aiding these terror groups in areas such as financing and propaganda from other countries. The president’s own former ambassador to Iraq, James Jeffrey, put it this way to Fox:
“These people are ideologically and essentially religiously committed to their evil cause, and it’s very hard to sort out who are going to stay at home and who are going to return to the battlefield.”

Wild Thing’s comment…….
Obama giving aid and comfort to your enemies.

darthcrUSAderworldtour07 says:

T-MINUS 48 hours and counting to VOTE out Caesar Obola’s power base!

TomR,armed in Texas says:

Of course Qatar is keeping them under house arrest.(sarc)