21 Oct

Irresponsible Medical Society Of NY Tells Doctors to “Follow Twitter” To Stay Informed On Ebola

Irresponsible Medical Society Of NY Tells Doctors to “Follow Twitter” To Stay Informed On Ebola
In its weekly update for New York State physicians, the Medical Society of the State of New York wanted to ensure that the doctors within their network were well informed on the threat of Ebola. So, MSSNY President Andrew Kleinman, M.D., told them to make sure they were following the society on Twitter.
MSSNY is here to help you. As we communicate regularly with key New York State officials, and closely monitor the worldwide and U.S. efforts regarding efforts to contain the outbreak, please follow us on Twitter and Facebook for the latest scientific and other important information. Continuous updates are being posted to our Twitter and Facebook feeds when important new information arises, which is many times per day.
If you are not on Twitter or Facebook already, you need to follow us! (If you need help setting up an account, please contact ssachs@mssny.org). And please “re-tweet” and “re-post” these important updates to those physicians and other care providers who follow you.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
Oh, great! Just what we need for doctors to be getting their updates for the one of the most deadliest diseases in 140 characters or less… what could go wrong? What idiots’

darthcrUSAderworldtour07 says:

The Honduran EV – D68 virus has already killed 5 children (public school students) from the illegals…. VOTE in 2 weeks AMERICA!!!