Jesse Jackson And Ebola Patient’s Nephew Say Racism Was Behind His Death
Wild Thing’s comment………..
I am so sick of hearing the race card being used for everything and anything that happens. If they would only realize it has lost it’s effect, it’s impact and now is just boring because it is 99.99% simply not true.
Another thing too, he fly’s into town and just uses the people to push his race card, too bad they do not realize this.
Maja El Rushbo said the antidote serum ironically comes from TOBACCO plants so the LEFT despises TOBACCO thus another one bites the dust!
If Obamacare or the VA won’t kill US, then Predident Obola will?
Yes, this race blame crap is past getting old. It is boring now. I just react in anger and citicism.
Jesse Jackson is a sorry racist S.O.B.