30 Sep

Democrat Steny Hoyer: Don’t Cut My Six-Week Vacation Short To Vote On Authorizing Military Action In Syria

Democrat Steny Hoyer: Don’t Cut My Six-Week Vacation Short To Vote On Authorizing Military Action In Syria
The Washington Times
Minority Whip Steny Hoyer, Maryland Democrat, said Monday that he doesn’t believe lawmakers should cut their six-week break short to vote on authorizing military strikes in Syria.
“I think that the fact is that this matter will be considered in the lame-duck. Whether it will be passed in the lame-duck, I don’t know,” Mr. Hoyer said at a National Press Club event in D.C. “I do not believe it’s necessary nor do I think it’ll happen that we’ll come back before the lame duck, but it is my expectation we will start debate give the circumstances that exist today. […]
Many lawmakers on both sides of the aisle have said lawmakers need to return before then to vote to give the president authorization to strike the Islamic State in Syria. Speaker John A. Boehner said Sunday that he would consider bringing lawmakers back to D.C. early if President Obama asked him to.

Wild Thing’s comment.……..
We pay their salaries, they always forget that….. on purpose.

darthcrUSAderworldtour07 says:

These Marxists and RINOS vacation on OUR backs & dimes… VOTE in 33 days!