27 Aug

Amnesty Pusher Mexican President Declares America “The Other Mexico” – He needs to visit the Alamo

Forget so-called “Mexifornia.” How about the United States of Mexico?
On Monday, Mexico President Enrique Peña Nieto called on other states to “evolve” like California so the United States can be more like his home country.
Appearing with Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti and California Governor Jerry Brown in Los Angeles, Peña Nieto called for amnesty legislation and more open borders while blasting governors who have taken a tough stance on illegal immigration.
“This is the other Mexico,” Peña Nieto reportedly “said of the United States, which is property to an estimated 11 million Mexican immigrants,” according to the Los Angeles Times.

Wild Thing’s comment.……..
Disgusting Mexico’s president is just like Obama, both of these men think they can push their agenda on a country and it makes me furious.
Someone should haul this Mexican president to see the Alamo.

darthcrUSAderworldtour07 says:

Over 75% of our children / college students don’t know what the ALAMO was nor stood for!

TomR,armed in Texas says:

Jerry Brown is loony as hell. Garcetti comes across as a Mexican first American secondly and Nieto is just a third world politician. F**k the three of them.