19 Aug

NFL Analysts Phil Simms And Tony Dungy Say They Will No Longer Use Term “Redskins” On-Air

NFL Analysts Phil Simms And Tony Dungy Say They Will No Longer Use Term “Redskins” On-Air
NEW YORK (AP) — Two influential NFL voices — including CBS lead analyst Phil Simms, who will handle Washington’s Week 4 game — said Monday they likely won’t use the term “Redskins” when discussing the franchise.
“My very first thought is it will be Washington the whole game,” Simms told The Associated Press on Monday.
Simms will work the Thursday night package the network acquired this season and will have Giants-Redskins on Sept. 25. He isn’t taking sides in the debate over whether Washington’s nickname is offensive or racist. But he says he is sensitive to the complaints about the name, and his instincts now are to not use Redskins in his announcing.
“I never really thought about it, and then it came up and it made me think about it,” Simms added. “There are a lot of things that can come up in a broadcast, and I am sensitive to this.”
His broadcast partner, Jim Nantz, says it is “not my job to take a stance.”
NBC’s Tony Dungy, one of the most prominent voices in the league as a Super Bowl-winning coach and now as a studio commentator, plans to take the same route as Simms.
“I will personally try not to use Redskins and refer to them as Washington,” Dungy said in an email. “Personal opinion for me, not the network.”

Wild Thing’s comment………….
The New ameriKa……..Where the tail wags the dog in All aspects.

darthcrUSAderworldtour07 says:

Who is next: Atlanta BRAVES? … Cleveland INDIANS and / or the Chicago BLACK HAWKS?
PS: Weren’t COWBOYS offensive to Native Americans too?

BobF says:

They’re already going after the Kansas City Chiefs to change their name.
Atlanta Braves, Cleveland Indians, Cleveland Browns, and Cincinnati Reds are all going to be in their sites.
The top Air Forced enlisted rank is the Chief Master Sergeant or Chief. They represent the epitome of leadership and a career of hard work and dedication. The symbol for the Chief is the bust of an Indian Chief. The USAF has come under fire for using the chiefs bust as being degrading to Indians. The Chief Master Sergeant represents everything the Indian Chief was about and the Indian bust is to honor them.
This is no long politically correct.

darthcrUSAderworldtour07 says:

How about the NFL’s KANSAS CITY CHIEFS too, eh?!!!!