12 Nov

John McCain: People Want Me to Run Again for President – Oh Really??

John McCain: People Want Me to Run Again for President
After bashing conservative Republicans in recent months, John McCain says he has received calls to run again in 2016.
The Washington Post:

“Particularly since the shutdown, I’ve had a spate of e-mails and letters and phone calls saying, ‘Run for president again,’” McCain told The Arizona Republic. “As you know, I’m seriously thinking about running for re-election to the Senate. But I think, in the words of the late Morris K. Udall, as far as my presidential ambitions are concerned, ‘The people have spoken — the bastards.’”

In his book Too Funny To Be President, Udall, D-Ariz., attributed the quote to California Democrat Dick Tuck. Udall unsuccessfully sought the 1976 Democratic nomination for president.
While even McCain agrees that another presidential candidacy seems far-fetched, Bruce Merrill, a veteran Arizona political scientist and pollster, told The Republic he has fielded multiple calls from out-of-state reporters this year investigating the possibility.

Wild Thing’s comment.………..
LOL he can if he wants to but he will not get my support, no way.

bobf says:

The only phone calls and emails he’s getting are from Democrats wanting to ensure Hillary gets elected.
McCain need to fade into history real fast.

TomR,armed in Texas says:

The only thing McCain needs to run for is the retirement center.