26 Oct

Sen. Ted Cruz Speaks at Iowa GOP Ronald Reagan Dinner; Calls Republicans to Restore America to that “Shining City on a Hill” – Complete Video

Sen. Ted Cruz Speaks at Iowa GOP Ronald Reagan Dinner; Calls Republicans to Restore America to that “Shining City on a Hill” – Complete Video
Here is complete video of the outstanding speech delivered by Sen. Ted Cruz tonight at the Iowa Republican Party Ronald Reagan Dinner.
As always, Cruz spoke from the heart, without notes, and issued a call for Republicans to stand strong for freedom and Constitutional Principles in seeking to restore America to what made her great. Cruz spoke with optimism and was a big hit with the crowd in attendance.

Wild Thing’s comment.……………
Wonderful speech !

TomR,armed in Texas says:

Cruz seldom uses notes. Unlike obama, Cruz speaks the truth and doesn’t need speaking aids to remember what lies he is telling. lord i wish Cruz was the White House resident instead of the Marxist, muslim, racist gay guy.