07 Oct

Bye Bye California – California To Allow Illegal Aliens To Practice Law

California To Allow Illegal Aliens To Practice Law…Illegal immigrants allowed to practice law in California
Illegal immigrants can be licensed to practice law in California under one of eight bills expanding immigrant rights that were signed by Governor Jerry Brown on Saturday.
The California Supreme Court, which finalizes requests of applicants to be licensed as a lawyer in California, is now authorized to approve qualified applicants regardless of their immigration status.
Other new laws prohibit law enforcement officials from detaining immigrants based on federal government instructions except in cases of serious crimes or convictions, and make it illegal for employers to retaliate against workers on the basis of their citizenship.
“While Washington waffles on immigration, California’s forging ahead,” Brown said in a statement. “I’m not waiting.”
The new laws, including the one letting undocumented immigrants become lawyers, could set a precedent for the nation. They are part of a push to increase immigrant rights in the strongly Democratic state. About 38 percent of California’s population of 38 million is of Hispanic descent.

Wild Thing’s comment.…………
Not sure if California is worth saving, they are so bound and determined to become everything that is against our Constitution and what our country has been.

TomR,armed in Texas says:

I have often thought that no state could be as liberal as Massachussetts, but I guess California gets the blue ribbon in that catagory. Calif is so geared to serving illegals that I can see them in a few years just declare themselves a part of Central America.