24 Jul

Vile Lib Activists Petition to Remove Rush Limbaugh’s Bust from MO State Capitol

Lib Activists Petition to Remove Rush Limbaugh’s Bust from MO State Capitol

Missouri liberals are working to force politicians to remove the bust of Rush Limbaugh from the state capitol in Jefferson City. EL-Rushbo was inducted into the hall of famous Missourians in May 2012.

A St. Louis woman is leading the latest charge to remove the bronze bust of the controversial conservative radio talk show host from the Missouri Capitol.
Limbaugh’s bust was installed in Jefferson City last May after then-House Speaker Steven Tilley selected him for the Hall of Famous Missourians in the Capitol rotunda.
Heather Woodside has started a petition on Change.org calling on Gov. Jay Nixon, Lt. Gov. Peter Kinder and the state House and Senate to remove the bust. As of Tuesday morning, the petition had 6,340 signatures.
“We need to remove a man’s image who makes it his priority to demean women, people of color, immigrants, the working class, the poor and the LGBT community,” Woodside wrote. “He is not a positive example for Missouri.”

Wild Thing’s comment.………..
OK so here is what has got to happen. If there are any conservatives in the State of MO. they need to get active, they need to fight back. It cannot be just sitting at a desk and pounding keys on a keyboard desk top generals, but instead be active and react big time to this.
If our side does not fight back we will be without our country. Thew left is much better at getting their agenda passed because they work at it every day pushing and pushing their POS agenda on us.
Years ago conservatives did fight back and did a lot more then posting about things, they took action. We have got to stop looking at battles against the left, Obama etc. as winning a war and realize it has got to be won one hill at a time.