18 Jul

Glorifying Terrorism By Rolling Stone! – Michelle Malkin Weighs In – Hannity

Glorifying Terrorism By Rolling Stone! – Michelle Malkin Weighs In – Hannity

Wild Thing’s comment.……………..
Exactly, they put this terrorists on the cover.
These are coming in very fast so there may be more added to this list as the day goes on.
Here is the updated list of stores that are refusing to sell the upcoming issue of Rolling Stone. PLEASE support these businesses and tell them WHY. Thank them for refusing to glorify this terrorist, and respect the victims and families of his attacks. Thank you ALL for standing up for what is right!!!!
Roche Bros Supermarkets
Stop & Shop
Rite Aid
Cumberland Farms
Shaw’s Star Market
Wal-Mart (supposedly MA only?)

TomR,armed in Texas says:

RSM thinks it is cute and clever. I hope the backlash lasts for years.