05 Jun

Chris Christie ‘debilitating stupidity’ not picking anyone to fill New Jersey’s vacant Senate seat – more kissing up to the left!

Dick Armey: Chris Christie Driven By ‘Debilitating Stupidity’…’There’s Not a Democrat Governor Alive That Wouldn’t Seize the Opportunity to Appoint a Democrat Senator’
New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie’s decision to set a special election this year to fill New Jersey’s vacant Senate seat wasn’t met with open arms Tuesday by a fellow Republican, former House Majority Leader Dick Armey.
Speaking to CNN’s Jake Tapper on “The Lead,” Armey accused the governor of trying to curry favor with Democrats by not appointing a Republican to the seat until 2014. He’ll name an interim senator by next week to serve until the special election.

“All Christie has to do is appoint a Republican. That’s the correct move for him to make,” Armey said. “Now, I put it down as debilitating stupidity. The first rule of politics is ‘Don’t lose the friends you already have for the friends you’re never going to get.’ And if he thinks the Democrats are going to love him for being the guy who plays fair rather than takes the political opportunity he’s crazy.”

A Democratic governor would have “seized the opportunity” and appointed a senator from his own party, Armey argued Tuesday.
Don’t lose the friends you already have for the friends you’re never going to get -Dick Armey on CNN

Wild Thing’s comment………………
Chrisite is a big bully idiot and once again he has missed his chance to show any kind of loyalty to his own political party.
Christie is going to waste $24 million in taxpayer money and a crucial GOP vote in the senate so he doesn’t have to appear on the same ballot as Cory Booker by calling for an early election to fill Lautenberg’s senate seat.

BobF says:

I wish this slob would just be truthful and change his party affiliation to Democrat. This move is exactly what the Democrats want.

TomR,armed in Texas says:

I wrote Christi off several years ago figuring him for a totally self serving politician. A wet finger in the air type of guy. I put him in the same fruitcake catagory as John McCain.