01 Jun

We Know Liberals are the Racists….Libs Outraged Mass Governor Appointed White Man To Lead State-Run Community College, Demand He Be Replaced With Black Candidate

Libs Outraged Mass Governor Appointed White Man To Lead State-Run Community College, Demand He Be Replaced With Black Candidate
Boston Herald
A community activist is challenging Gov. Deval Patrick’s pick for board chairman at the troubled Roxbury Community College because the new leader is white, but the administration is standing by the appointment.
Sadiki Kambon, who said he represents a group called Friends of Roxbury Community College, sent Patrick a letter Monday demanding that Gerald Chertavian, who was named board chairman last week, be replaced by “another qualified candidate (Black).”

“It’s important for our young people to see someone who looks like us who is the position of leadership in our academic community. We feel that someone from our community has the skill set necessary to run that institution,” Kambon told the Herald.

Kambon declined to identify other members of his group, which sent the letter to Patrick earlier this week. The letter labels the governor’s selection of Chertavian, who is white, “insulting” because the college is a “predominantly Black institution.”

Wild Thing’s comment.…………
The left is constantly saying those of us on the right are racists and that is a huge lie. It is just the opposite and we have proof of that constantly, this story above is just another example of the left being racist.