16 Apr

3 dead and more than 130 injured ini Terrorist Attack at Boston Marathon

Source tells FoxNews.com an apartment in a Boston suburb is being searched in connection with twin bomb blasts near Boston Marathon finish line Monday, as a senior White House official tells Fox News the blasts are believed to be an act of terrorism. The blasts left at least 3 dead and more than 130 injured.
FOX News
The deadly bombing at the Boston Marathon that killed at least three and injured at least 144 is believed to be an act of terrorism, senior White House officials told Fox News.
Two explosions tore through the finish line of the world-famous race just before 3 p.m., going off simultaneously as throngs of onlookers watched runners complete the 26.2-mile trek. The timing of the blasts immediately sparked suspicions of a deliberate act.
“When multiple devices go off, that’s an act of terrorism,” a senior administration official told Fox News, just moments after President Obama delivered a statement to the nation and did not use the word “terror.”
While the White House does in fact believe terrorism was at play, lawmakers were increasingly reaching the same conclusion.
Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., chairwoman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, reportedly said her understanding it “that it’s a terrorist incident.”
Sen. Saxby Chambliss, R-Ga., top Republican on that committee, also said that “as the evidence mounts that this was a terrorist attack, our intelligence and law enforcement agencies must do whatever is necessary to find and interrogate those responsible so we can prevent similar attacks.”
Authorities in New York, meanwhile, are deploying counter-terrorism vehicles around landmark sites in Manhattan, including prominent hotels, according to the New York City Police Department.
Nearly 25,000 people, including runners from around the world, competed in Boston’s celebrated 26.2-mile race, attracting huge throngs of onlookers, especially near the finish line.

Wild Thing’s comment……………….
Obama is preoccupied with worrying about not saying terrorists just like he would not do it with the Fort Hood killings when the man yelled Allah Akbar. sheesh I guess he does not want to speak ill of his Islam buddies.

TomR,armed in Texas says:

obama’s response would have been very good except he refused to call it terror. It doesn’t matter who did it, right wing left wing, muzzies. It was a terrorist act. obama probably believes/fears that it is members of his islamic religion, so he will attempt to downplay it.

Gator says:

I just love how the media calls the bombs not very
sophisticated, give me a break they aren’t a JADAM they are the same as we have encountered in Iraq
and Afghanistan. The worst by far is ABC’s George
Stepalloverus. Could this be the second term curse
that puts a pox on Fearless Leader. Barack Hussein Obama and Kim Jong un Brothers from different mothers…