Kentucky School District Bows To Militant Atheist Group’s Demands, Removes 10 Commandments Displays
The Blaze
The Breathitt County School District in Kentucky has removed long-standing Ten Commandments displays in local public schools.
The move comes after the Freedom From Religion Foiundation (FFRF), an atheist and church-state separatist group, sent a letter complaining over the presence of the religious documents.
According to the FFRF, a tipster alerted the group that the Ten Commandments were displayed inside numerous classrooms in the high school, middle school and elementary schools, WKYT-TV reports.
After receiving this information, the group, famous for going after perceived violations of the First Amendment, petitioned the school district to remove these religious elements. Following the furor, the displays were taken down this week; the complaint claims that they had been hanging for many years inside the schools.
Here’s how the Kentucky Board of Education responded to the incident:
“The display of religious materials, such as a painting of a religious figure or a copy of the Ten Commandments, in a public school violates the U.S. Constitution’s prohibition on the establishment or endorsement of religion by a public agency. A school or district that displays copies of the Ten Commandments without the inclusion of other historical documents and not as part of a historical/comparative display is in violation of the U.S. Constitution. See the U.S. Supreme Court’s holding on this issue in Stone v. Graham, 449 U.S. 39, 101 S.Ct. 192 (1980). The Kentucky Department of Education’s focus in Breathitt County is on student achievement and college and career readiness and using its resources to support those efforts.”
Thus, it seems atheists and the FFRF have won this round of debate, as district officials are complying with the mandate.
Wild Thing’s comment.……………….
OK so where is the outrage from the people that live there. If they just stay silent they IMO will be just as bad as the freaking atheist’s.
Our country is really turning into a country of wimps.
The problem is that for too long, Christians have been told to just sit back and take it. This wimping of Christianity has taken place over the past 100 years in America. The seeds of the American Revolution were planted in its churches as Preachers thundered about liberty and showed the Colonists that revolution against tyranny is righteous. The night of Paul Revere’s Ride, the riders went to the Churches to let the men know the British were coming. Preachers today are scared to preach against government tyranny for fear of loosing their tax exempt status. Christians sit in pews and only want to hear sermons about love and peace not knowing when Jesus returns, He’s coming back to make war and execute the wrath of a Holy and Righteous God. We’ve lost our Christian Heritage in America and we only have us to blame.
Millions who claim to be Christian vote for Obama and wonder what happened to America.
Excellent commentary Bob. My first thought was how intimidated Christians have become in the face of the assault by the Left. The Left now owns 90% of the media and that is a formidable foe. It is much easier for the public to turn on the TV to get information than it is to find alternatives on the internet or to read.
You know, if every Conservative who claims to be a Christian bought just one share of NBC stock, we could change the media. I don’t want them to change to our point of view, I just want them to be honest in their reporting and unbiased.