09 Mar

Disrespectful Jesse Jackson Compares Hugo Chavez To Founding Fathers

Jesse Jackson Sr. defended the legacy of deceased Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez Friday, saying that U.S. presidents owned slaves and democracies “evolve” and “mature” in an interview with CNN.
“What do you say to the Venezuelans, not only in the opposition but those who have fled the country, who considered Hugo Chavez a vile dictator?” Wolf Blitzer asked Jackson.
“Well, you know, democracies mature,” Jackson replied. “Our first 15 presidents owned people. They owned slaves. Democracies mature.”

Wild Thing’s comment……………..
What a freak Jackson is, a low life freak.

BobF says:

Jackson and his kid are two of a kind…both A-holes.

TomR, armed in Texas says:

Everything in Jackson’s life is based on race. He mentions the successful end of apartheid in S Africa. He doesn’t own up to the horrific violence that has tuened the country into a state of anarchy.

Willy says:

“Everything in Jackson’s life is based on race”- race and the shakedown of legitimate businesses for money in order for them to avoid being “mau-mau-ed” by Rev. Jesse….