01 Mar

Pelosi Questions Patriotism Of Republican Army Veteran, Says He’s Not “On Team America”

Pelosi Questions Patriotism Of Republican Army Veteran, Says He’s Not “On Team America”
The Examiner
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., suggested that the sequestration fight is revealing that some of her colleagues in Congress are not “on Team America,” based on a comment made by Rep. Mike Pompeo, R-Kan., [Pompeo served in the Army after graduating from West Point -ed.] that the sequester cuts are “a home run.”
“Democrats — we want solutions, Republicans want sequestration,” Pelosi said during her press briefing today. “Some of them have even called it a home run. That doesn’t sound like anybody on Team America if they think sequestration’s indiscriminate, mindless cuts across the board are a home run.”
Pompeo made his comment after the State of the Union. “It’s going to be a home run,” Pompeo told Politico. We are doing what the American people asked the US house t do in 2010 when I came here: we are reducing the size and scope of the federal government. I think the American people will have tremendous respect [for it]. I think the markets will respond very positively when we, for the first time, say ‘we have a spending reduction plan and we’re actually going to follow through on it.’”

Wild Thing’s comment..…………….
Pelosi is a truly horrible person. I am so sick of how the democrats attack and attack and no one tells them off, up close and personal.