18 Feb

Sen. Rand Paul Will Wait Till 2014 to Decide on Presidential Run; Says GOP Needs a “More Libertarian” Face – YUK! No thanks!

Sen. Rand Paul Will Wait Till 2014 to Decide on Presidential Run; Says GOP Needs a “More Libertarian” Face
He set forth some key themes he would likely run on, and said he thinks the country is ready for a “more Libertarian face” to the GOP if it is to remain a “National party.”

Wild Thing’s comment…………..
Not a fan of his to begin with, so he can say what he wants. he won’t be getting my support.
But I do have to say that these political games the politicians are playing speaking out against the Republican party is hurting the Republican party big time. We don’t need our own bashing our party but that has been what has been happening since the last election.

TomR, armed in Texas says:

Chrissie, our party needs bashing whether privately or publically. It cannot continue on the course it has been on for decades. Reagan was an anomoly and won in spite of the Repub puppet masters working against him. It may involve eventually forming a third conservative based political party and leaving the GOP to die on it’s bastardized vine. Hence the support for the Tea Party. i really don’t believe the GOP/RNC hierarchy has figured it out yet. Or worse, they don’t care.
As for Rand. I like much of what he says, but I don’t trust much of any politician right now. And, he is the son of looney tunes Ron Paul.

Willy says:

It is to early to place our hopes on any prospect for POTUS. But please look carefully at what the MSM says about Rand or Rubio. They are out to destroy any promising Conservative and they will not hesitate to air statements out of context, edit creatively a la NBC , or simply lie….