14 Feb

Liberal Dem Senators To Introduce “Comprehensive” Global Warming Bill, Would Tax Carbon Emissions

Liberal Dem Senators To Introduce “Comprehensive” Global Warming Bill, Would Tax Carbon Emissions
Daily Caller
Liberal senators are helping President Barack Obama make good on his plan to address climate change during his second term, and are set to announce comprehensive legislation on the topic later this week.
Democratic Sens. Bernie Sanders and Barbara Boxer will hold a news conference on Thursday to announce new legislation that would put a fee on carbon dioxide emissions to help fund green-energy projects such as wind, solar, geothermal, and biomass.
The legislation would also compensate consumers for higher energy bills.
In his State of the Union address on Tuesday night, President Obama threatened to use his executive authority if Congress failed to act on climate change.

Wild Thing’s comment.……………
Isn’t that just wonderful…..NOT. sheesh, they would tax us for just existing if they could.

TomR, armed in Texas says:

Next thing the Dems will do is declare toilet paper as an environmental hazard and outlaw it. I think a lot of them don’t use it now anyway. That’s why their philosophy stinks.