MSNBC Hag Andrea Mitchell Orders Guest Not To Call Herself “Pro-Life,” Tells Her “Anti-Abortion” Is More “Value Neutral”…
During an interview with a Republican guest who described herself as “pro-life” on Wednesday, MSNBC host Andrea Mitchell cut her off to correct her. Mitchell said that she thought “anti-abortion” was a better term which was, in her opinion, more “value neutral.”
“Some veteran Republican politicians and strategists believe that the Republican Party needs to rethink its position on women’s reproductive issues after losing the women’s vote once again in the presidential race, and losing at least two Senate races after ill-tempered comments by Republican men,” Mitchell began.
Mitchell introduced Juleanna Glover on her program to discuss her proposals for how the GOP soften its hardline stance on access to contraception.
Wild Thing’s comment.……………………..
This Juleanna Glover person should have told Andrea Mitchell off big time and done it on the air.
Exactly! She should have then told Mitchell that maybe we should call you a child killer instead of pro choice.
I stopped trusting so-called Libertarian Alan Greenspan when I learned that he was married to Andrea Mitchell…