08 Jan

Krauthammer Nails Pelosi Motto: “I Have Not Begun to Tax and Spend”

We have Pelosi, with apologies to John Paul Jones, which she and the president said last week is “We have not begun to tax and to spend.” And that they’ve been open about this. She said we got you on rates. That’s round one. Round two is we’re going to squeeze the money out of your by eliminating deductions and loopholes. Look, it seems to me with the Boehner interview that the Republican leadership is finally understand what some of us have been arguing now for four years. Barack Obama has zero interest in cutting spending.

Wild Thing’s comment..………….
Democrats love to tax we the people, and they never get enough.

MrHappy says:

Somehow “I told you so, you jack asses” doesn’t seem strong enough.

TomR, armed in Texas says:

So many Americans are dumbed down when it comes to economics. Some only know about the govt check(s) that come each month and think govt. money is infinite. Others have no concept of how much they are really taxed. What Charles said is so simple to understand, but you also have to believe it and too many voters would rather believe obama’s socialist doublespeak.

Wild Thing says:

MrHappy, I agree.

Wild Thing says:

Tom, that is all so very true.