Planned Parenthood’s Annual Report Shows 91% Of The Pregnant Women They See Get An Abortion…
Life News
As LifeNews reported last week, a new annual report the Planned Parenthood abortion business released shows it helped fewer pregnant women with prenatal care and the number of pregnant women it referred for adoptions declined as well.
The report also breaks down the “services” Planned Parenthood offers in addition to abortions. Planned Parenthood has always come under fire from pro-life groups for doing hundreds of thousands of abortions by providing little in the way of help for pregnant woman wanting to keep their baby or considering adoption. The new report shows that hasn’t changed.
The new document the abortion organization posted shows Planned Parenthood did 329,445 abortions in 2010 while it provided prenatal care to only 31,098 women and referred only 841 women to adoption agencies.
Wild Thing’s comment.……………..
Planned Parenthood is dedicated to the killing of innocent babies and they cannot deny it. They will lie that it is not but the facts speak for themselves.