26 Dec

Baby Killers Planned Parenthood Uses Christmas Eve To Beg For Donations

Planned Parenthood Uses Christmas Eve To Beg For Donations
Life News
While the rest of the nation eagerly awaits the celebration of the birth of the Savior, Jesus Christ, the Planned Parenthood abortion business took the occasion of Christmas Eve to send out a fundraising donation.
The Planned Parenthood Federation of America sent the email fundraising pitch under the headline “What really matters.” Apparently the birth of Christ pales in comparison to making sure the nation’s biggest abortion business has enough money to keep its clinics operating and it abortion advocacy lobbying going full steam.
The fundraising pitch even comes with a matching grant — with some pro-abortion donor taking the 25 in December 25th and matching it 1,000 times.

Wild Thing’s comment.…………
It was shocking and so sad when 20 children were murdered in Conn. but what about all the babies that are slaughtered from abortions.

BobF says:

Planned Parenthood supporters say that PP saves women’s lives by doing mammograms. Well, PP doesn’t do mammograms. All they do is refer you to places that do mammograms. It’s on their website. The problems is about 99% of women won’t research it out for themselves.