05 Dec

Racist Louis Farrakhan: Santa Claus Is A Damaging Lie That Teaches Kids “To Look To White People”

Farrakhan: Santa Claus Is A Damaging Lie That Teaches Kids “To Look To White People”…
The Blaze
On Tuesday morning, the Minister Louis Farrakhan delivered a sermon in front of the U.S. Virgin Islands Legislature in St. Thomas.
Farrakhan, who is currently on a tour throughout the Caribbean, had a plethora of messages for his audience. The Nation of Islam leader, who fluctuated between speaking in his own voice and mimicking an Island accent, warned those in attendance about the dangers of lying to their children about Santa Claus, while also taking aim at the supposed “evils” of the traditional Christmas tree.
In addition to claiming that kids end up loving Christmas’ most revered character more than they do their own parents, he also proclaimed that teaching belief in Santa causes children “to look to white people for what mommy couldn’t give them.”
“It’s Christmas now. Oh Christmas is coming, you know,” Farrakhan said. “He’s comin’ down the chimney with his big fat self and he gonna leave…Santa comin’ and he’s gonna leave under a tree gifts for your child and your child wake up the next morning ‘Oh! Santa was here last night?!

Wild Thing’s comment.……………
What an idiot. Amazing how the hate these people have makes them say such stupid statements, and then there are those that will nod in agreement.

TomR,armed in Texas says:

Santa Claus is a childrens’ character. Santa Claus rewards good children.
Louis Farrakhan is a Black racists’ character. Louis Farrakhan preaches hate.
F**K Farrakhan!