Hillary Clinton Must Be A Racist, Prefers John Kerry Over Susan Rice To Take Over State Department
Chicago Sun Times
The big question: Who would Secretary of State Hillary Clinton like to get her job?
It ain’t embattled U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice, who is dealing with the way she handled the terrorist attack in Benghazi, Libya, that led to the killing of U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans.
Sneed is told if Hillary had to choose between Rice and U.S. Sen. John Kerry, who is head of the Senate’s Foreign Relations Committee, she would prefer Kerry.
“Hillary is not close to Rice, who is tough — but is not the friendliest person,” said a top White House source. “And Hillary’s brief comment recently that Rice had done ‘a great job’ was considered underwhelming and tepid,” the source added.
“It would be hard for President Obama to back away from Rice, but he’s dealing with what’s known as “the Club of the Senate,” which includes powerful U.S. Sen. John McCain — a Republican — who is adamantly against Rice and a big supporter of Kerry’s.
Wild Thing’s comment……………
If the left calls us racist we should respond by doing the same thing back at them. imo
Interesting how the left fought tooth-n-nail to keep Condi from getting the job. Liberal radio hosts was calling her vile racist names while the Black Congressional Caucus never said a word in defense of her. You’re only racist when the Back your opposing is a Democrat. I’m getting to hate these people.
Do McCain and Kerry have a secret relationship going? In the real world, McCain(a POW)should hate and detest Kery(a traitor).