26 Apr

Democrat Senator Wants to Save Postal Service With Windmills.. Windmills????? He is INSANE!

Senator Wants to Save Postal Service With Windmills
FOX Nation
As the potential collapse of the United States Postal Service looms on the horizon, one Senate Democrat has proposed an unusual plan to solve the crisis.
Senator Tom Carper (D-DE) looks to harvest the electricity that windmill farms produce in order to power a new fleet of battery-operated postal delivery vehicles, replacing the previous ’25 to 30 years old’ ‘dilapidated’ vehicles.
The Senator admits the idea is “out there” but concludes that “we need to be thinking boldly, and the postal service needs to do that”
Obviously, Senator Carper missed the report that wind farms are failing to deliver value for money and distorting the development of other renewable energy sources.

Wild Thing’s comment…….
My God our country is in trouble. To have idiots and inisanity like this in power on any level is beyond disgusting.
LOL this guy is nuts!!!

BobF says:

This guy on drugs? The postal service is not using vehicles which are 25 to 30 years old. It’s a shame a US Senator cannot get even basic information correct. He’s right up there with Rep Hank Johnson who believe Guam is going to tip over because of an influx of US Marines.