02 Apr

Democrat Arlen Specter Loses His Cool on Conservative Radio Talk Show (Audio)

Arlen Specter Loses His Cool on Conservative Radio Talk Show
Specter interviewed on the Jason Lewis radio show. He doesn’t like having to sit through commercial breaks when he’s talking about his book.
Specter threw an Obamacare-sized tantrum after he had to sit through two commercial breaks

Wild Thing’s comment……..
LOL what a total jerk Arlene is, sheesh.

BobF says:

This is the guy Sanatorum supported over Pat Toomey? What an arrogant SOB

TomR,armed in Texas says:

This is what happens when someone spends too much time in the magic kingdom of Washington DC. They consider themselves royalty and expect the rest of us peons to cater to their whims and wishes.

Wild Thing says:

Bob and Tom thank you so much.