24 Dec

UN Moment Of Silence For North Korean Dictator Kim John Il ~ This is Disgusting!

Wild Thing’s comment……
This is so typical of the UN.
One thing, the terrorirts would never attack is the UN, IMO, because it is a place that favors the lowlifes of the world like we see in this video above.

Avitar says:

Technically when he died he was still at war with the UN too. There is a truce but no peace treaty. Diplomats are extremely fond of silly behavior. I believe that the British used to call their foreign office personnel twits.
I would recommend that as part of the death that the reminder of North Korea’s leadership be offered a general amnesty for all crimes committed if North Korea will sue for peace with the UN in the next thirty days.

TomR,armed in Texas says:

The United Nations – much more of a fantasy land than Disney World. And more expensive. Sixty six consecutive years of failure.

Merry Christmas!
Better say it now while the UN allows us to.