Harry Reid: “Millionaire Job Creators Are Imaginary Like Unicorns, They Don’t Exist”
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) suggested on Monday that millionaires who create jobs are a mere figment of Republicans’ imaginations.
“Millionaire job creators are like unicorns,” said Reid from the Senate floor. “They are impossible to find and don’t exist.”
Reid’s frustration has grown in past weeks as Republicans have repeatedly and overwhelmingly blocked almost every fragment of President Obama’s jobs package brought to the floor because Democrats have attempted to pay for them by raising taxes on millionaires. Republicans say they oppose that tax because it would hamper job creation.
Wild Thing’s comment……
LMAO oh my gosh, this guy is insane. Do you think he believes his total LIE? hahhaha
….”jobs are created only through government programs so soak the rich”-Harry “The Mortician” Reid….Reid and Pelosi are growing “balmy” in their old age……
Reid says whatever will serve his purpose of the moment. He knows the MSM will not attack his insane comments. The sad part is that some people believe his Alice in Wonderland statements.
Thank you Willy and Tom.