28 Oct

Nancy Pelosi Not Making A Judgment Till She Sees The Package…a Fuller Package ~ LOL

“It’s no use asking me about specific things until we see the whole package,” Pelosi said Thursday during a press briefing in the Capitol. “I’m not making any judgment about any package until I see the fuller package that it’s a part of.”

Pelosi stays mum on proposed Medicare cuts in Dems’ supercommittee plan
The Hill
As a growing number of liberal Democrats are attacking a plan from supercommittee Democrats to slash Medicare benefits, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) is being careful not to wade too deeply into the controversy.

“It’s no use asking me about specific things until we see the whole package,” Pelosi said Thursday during a press briefing in the Capitol. “I’m not making any judgment about any package until I see the fuller package that it’s a part of.”

Still, the California Democrat reiterated her party’s insistence on a “balanced” deficit-reduction plan, suggesting that she and her caucus won’t support a package that fails to spread the pain of austerity across a class spectrum.

“It’s not fair to say to a senior, ‘You’re going to pay more for Social Security,’ and we’re not going to touch a hair on the head of the wealthiest people in our country,” Pelosi said.

On Tuesday, Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus (D-Mont.) presented Republicans on the deficit panel with a sweeping proposal that includes hundreds of billions of dollars in Medicare cuts and more than $1 trillion in new tax hikes — a package approaching the “grand bargain” that was negotiated over the summer by President Obama and House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio).
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Wild Thing’s comment……
I swear she is nuts. hahhaha Dangerous too but also nuts.
LOL but she does make me laugh.

Sean says:

Hello. hello, is anyone home?
Why does she keeps getting re-elected?
Well of course she represents a segment of the “Peoples’ Republic of San Francisco”, which at one time was a truly beautiful, cosmopolitan city to visit.
Those days are long gone.

TomR, armed in Texas says:

Pelosi is truely the definition of a zombie. She looks like one of the characters from Night of the Living Dead.
I guess her leadership is indicative of the abyss that the Democratic party has sunk into.
Sean, I remember San Francisco from the 60’s. Used to go up there on weekend passes when I was stationed at the Presidio of Monterey. Three or four of us would drive up there and hit the winerys on the way. So much to see in Frisco. A very unique city. Too bad it has deteriorated into a socialist mecca.

Avitar says:

I did not see San Francisco until the nineteen eighties. I’m in electronics but Silicon Valley was decaying by then and San Francisco was wreck.

Wild Thing says:

Love your input, you all are wonderful.