27 Sep

Comments From Congressional Black Caucus: Allen West and Herman Cain Called ‘oreos, and Again Call Tea Party Racist

MRC visited the Congressional Black Caucus Annual Dinner in Washington to ask attendees if the tea party is racist. The attendees are also asked about Allen West and Herman Cain and what they think of black members of the tea party. One man says they can go to hell, another lady calls them ‘oreos.’


Wild Thing’s comment……..
What sick people they are. I know this has been said before about Black Republicans and each time it angers me and makes me sick.

Carlos says:

When you see everything in life through the prism of race and gender, as the left does, anyone who disagrees with you is a racist bigot.
It is a convenient crutch, an easy chosen path and a vile creed of delusion and hate in which immunity from real life is conferred, and from which far too many have made a lifetime of subsistence.

BobF says:

Those are people who want to keep racism alive because they make their living off of it. The fact of the conference they’re attending is evidence of this.

TomR, armed in Texas says:

By it’s very existence and name, the Congressional Black Caucus is racist. That is it’s purpose.

Avitar says:

You know for the first eleven years after the Civil War all of the Blacks who were lynched were either working for the north or Republican Party members. Five percent of the people lynchd by the KKK were White Republicans.

Wild Thing says:

Thank you for your comments on this.