26 Aug

Jon Huntsman: I Wouldn’t Hesitate to Call on Rich to Sacrifice

In an interview with the PBS NewsHour, Republican presidential candidate and former Utah Governor Jon Huntsman said he would call on all Americans, including the wealthy, to sacrifice in order to address the country’s fiscal problems. He sounds a lot like Barack Obama in just about every video clip I’ve seen. He starts out with “shared sacrifice” in the first sentence

Wild Thing’s comment….
LOL to Huntsman, this will not get votoes. Republicans don’t want to vote an Obama into office.

Mark says:

Do they ever think of anything else except raising Taxes. This jerk is another Socialist/communists and deserves the same treatment as obama, one rail, a bucket of Tar and some yellow chicken feathers.
Heres a tip Huntsmen Stop Spending… Start cutting entitlements, stop paying Mexican for being here illegally, act like an American or get the F*ck out.

BobF says:

Problem with Huntsman is he has a lot of the GOP blue-bloods behind him.

Wild Thing says:

Mark, ditto all you said.

Wild Thing says:

Bob, thanks for the information.