13 Aug

Chris Matthews Blast Entire State of Texas as Ignorant , Full Of BS, Calls Perry A Clown

Chris Matthews Blast Entire State of Texas as Ignorant , Full Of BS, Calls Perry A Clown


Wild Thing’s comment…..
These lefties cannot speak in a complete sentence unless they LIE or slander or bash a person on the right. I really thing they have a mental disorder.
Hey Chris you need to learn NOT to mess with TEXAS!

Carlos says:

So divisive and derogatory of Texans, it is schooled in Massachusetts Chris Matthews who is the clown, ignorant, prejudiced, full of it and as he says lives hopelessly in “a strange world”.

BobF says:

I can’t stand Matthews and his shrill whinny voice. I would love to see him a debate with Rush; Rush would tear him apart.

TomR, armed in Texas says:

Rick Perry was never down in the polls to Kay Baily Hutchinson in the last gubnatorial race. She was always the underdog because she has Rino tendencies.
As to Chris Matthews not liking the Texas style. Great!! I would hate for him to ever consider moving here. Luckily his prejudice against Bibles and guns should keep him far away.

Sean says:

This lisping, slobbering, whiner, working for the lowest ranked cable news network, has to come up with crap to keep his 15% viewership ratings intact.
It’s called preaching to the choir, I believe. Something we are seeing more and more of from the Progessive side of the street. Their poll numbers among independents, certainly indicate, as much.
He is irrelevant in any serious political discussion.
Correct me if I am wrong here, but didn’t he get his start as a speechwriter for the esteemed Jimmy Carter.
If that be the case, need we say
any more as to the seriousness of his opinions?

Wild Thing says:

Great input thank you all so very much.