10 Aug

Democrats Murray, Baucus, Kerry on Super Committee ~ Could Not Be Worse!

Senator Max Baucus Drunk / Intoxicated on Senate Floor


Democrats Murray, Baucus, Kerry on Super Committee
National Journal
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., will appoint Democratic Sens. Patty Murray of Washington, Max Baucus of Montana, and John Kerry of Massachusetts to the new super committee tasked with finding $1.2 trillion in additional deficit reduction by November 23, according to a senior Democratic aide familiar with Reid’s decision, which is expected to be made public as early as Wednesday.
Additionally, Murray is expected to co-chair the committee, officially named the Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction, along with a still unnamed House Republican. A spokesman for Reid did not respond to a request for comment.
Reid’s decision to tap Murray will likely be met with scrutiny, as she is also chairing the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee for the 2012 election cycle. But she is also a member of leadership, a senior member of the Budget Committee, and a woman on what is likely to be a male-dominated committee.
Baucus is chairman of the powerful Senate Finance Committee with jurisdiction over many areas, including entitlement programs, that the committee is expected to examine. Kerry, meanwhile, was selected for his stature and Senate tenure.
The remaining nine lawmakers have yet to be announced. House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., each must name three members to the panel by August 16.
The panel will need at least seven of the 12 lawmakers to vote on a final proposal by Thanksgiving in order to fast-track it through both chambers and send it to President Obama by December 23. If the panel deadlocks along partisan lines, it would trigger across-the-board cuts for both defense and non-defense spending.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
So here we have the stupidest woman in the Senate, joined with a two-faced backstabber of epic proportions, and a commie who denounced the US Army and the men in it.
This Super Committee is a sick, disgusting, abomination.

BobF says:

You couldn’t expect Harry Reid to appoint those with integrity, although it would be difficult to find them among the ranks of Democrats.

Sean says:

This whole concept of a committee is just another way to bypass the voting by the entire Senate and the House. Reid and Company are no fools, they realize that this is the only way to protect their funding of entitlements and other pet projects.
McConnell and Boehner, need to be very careful about who they select.
As you can see, all it will take is one RINO vote to swing the final decision in favor of the Progressive/Liberal/Marxist majority.
Hopefully, the most likely scenario of all this is that another stalemate will occur, and all that will have been accomplished will have been a delay in getting started on cutting. Meanwhile the interest on the debt will continue to climb.
You can be sure of one thing. If the Republican members of this committee hold their ground and force a deadlock, they will be held accountable for creating all those nasty cuts. So what, they’re already seen as the badguys in this mess.
If that C.S, Boehner had stood his ground and told the Dems that the Cut,Cap and Balance bill was the standard that the Republicans were putting forth, instead of bringing up that concession filled piece of crap, all of this would have been moot.

TomR, armed in Texas says:

When this illegal super committee fails to function then what will our dysfunctional Congress do? Establish a super super committee of two? Then finally a super super super committee of one, appointed by Reid? This circus will continue to spin it’s costly wheels unless we can get a major turnover in Congress in 2012.

Willy says:

…when I think about the “super-committee”, it begins to sink in what a poor deal this was. And W/T , you are exactly correct about the three democrats-an idiot, a traitor, and an unpredictable, unstable Max Bupkus…

Wild Thing says:

Thank you so much everyone.