25 Jul

Rep. LTC Allen West Gives A Great Speech About Leadership

Allen West called out the Republican Party for demonstrating years of passive leadership to its constituents and submissive behavior towards the Democrat Party.
Congressman Allen West has challenged the GOP establishment and openly stated that the Republican Party needs to regain its credibility and take an affirmative stand for core principles. The 2012 Republican National Convention will be held in Tampa, Florida, and Congressman West also challenged Florida Republicans to also take a stand and show the country,“how it’s gonna be done.”

Wild Thing’s comment……..
Congressman Allen West has proven his leadership qualities, and we are blessed to have him!

Sean says:

If the Republican Party does not put this man’s name in Nomination for either of the top offices in 2012, they are missing a huge chance.
There is no way that the Media can attack him on anything, other than his Political Position.
The man is Teflon. Very difficult to attack a Black, Marine war hero, who also is very articulate and speaks without a teleprompter.
With him the Media and the Progressive/Left will have to focus on issues and leave the Race and Character Assination cards in their briefcase.
Now wouldn’t that be refreshing, for a change.

BobF says:

Watch his eyes as he speaks. He’s in constant eye contact with the people there. There’s no looking down at notes or a teleprompter. The man speaks from the heart; from conviction. You can bet your life that his troops would follow him and charge Hell with squirt guns.

Wild Thing says:

Sean, well said, I sure hope they see the reaction he gets, it is always such a tremendous response. I agree Sean, what you said would be a refreshing change.

Wild Thing says:

Bob, that was great, thank you for pointing that out. I watched it again and you are right. The other politicans could learn a lot from West and his passion and love for our country.