28 Jun

Jury Finds Democrat Blagojevich Guilty on Seventeen Out of Twenty Counts ~ Includes Taking Fall For Obama or Rahm???

ABC News
Illinois jury has found former Governor Rod Blagojevich guilty on seventeen out of twenty counts of assorted corruption charges.
Counts 1-10 – Guilty of wire fraud
Count 11 – no verdict
Count 12 – Guilty – Attempted extortion
Count 13 – Guilty – Soliciting a bribe
Count 14 – Guilty – Extortion and conspiracy
Count 15 – Guilty – Conspiracy
Count 16 – No verdict
Count 17 – Not Guilty
Count 18 – Guilty – Extortion
Count 19 – Guilty – Extortion
Count 20 – Guilty -Bribery and Conspiracy
Prosecutors have requested that Blago post additional bond. They have also requested that travel restrictions be imposed on the 54 year old former governor. Prosecutors are asking that a prompt sentencing date be scheduled by the court.
He faces up to 300 years in prison, although sentencing guidelines are sure to reduce his time behind bars.

Wild Thing’s comment………
So if Blago is guilty of trying to sell the seat, who is guilty of trying to buy it?
If there is evidence he tried to sell it to someone, there must be evidence of someone buying?
You can’t have one without the other.
And I wonder if he will finally speak up about Rahm and Obama connection to maybe use it as a serve less time. But them maybe not, he might be afraid of the Obama thug machine. Come on Blago…. spill your guts. Rat out the rest of the corrupt Chicago thugs from the top down. Obama had to know his seat was for sale. It’s the Chicago way.

BobF says:

You know they’re not going to send Jesse Jackson’s son to jail.

darthcrUSAderworldtour07 says:

OMG… LOOK! Blago has a bad hair day? In prison he’ll sign up for one hair cut monthly!

Sean says:

The State and Federal Prison system seem to be a regular stopping point for a number of prominent Illinois Politicans.
Makes one feel all warm and fuzzy knowing that we have one of them, sitting in the White House, doesn’t it?

Wild Thing says:

Bob,yes you are right, no way.

Wild Thing says:

Sean, yes the leader of the pack right there in the Oval office. augh!