14 Jun

While Anthony Weiner Awaits Approval For Leave Of Absence, Barack Obama Says: “I Would Resign” If I Was Weiner

NY Times

Obama told NBC News that if he were in Representative Anthony D. Weiner’s position, “I would resign,” according to a senior network executive.

The president stopped short of specifically demanding that Mr. Weiner resign, saying: “I can tell you that if it was me, I would resign. Because public service is exactly that, it’s a service to the public.”

But he strongly suggested that it was in the best interests of Mr. Weiner and his constituents if the Democratic congressman were to step aside.

He later added: “When you get to the point where, because of various personal distractions, you can’t serve as effectively as you need to at the time when people are worrying about jobs and their mortgages and paying the bills, then you should probably step back.”


Wild Thing’s comment……..
Hello Obama YOU need to resign too. Although I would prefer Obama be thrown in jail for treason. Oh and one other thing……English would be “if it WERE me”.

Mark says:

Public Service ? Isn’t screwing the people what the democrats call pubic service, and weener has been doing that. Just another run of the mill garden variety, common low down, POS democrat. Who looking out for his own interest, got caught with his hands in the “cookie jar” , he got caught is their biggest problem. Time to clean out the whole damn bunch of these losers.

willy says:

…was it Limbaugh who said that Washington D.C. is like Hollywood for unattractive people? Being elected to the House of Reps transformed nerdy Anthony into a sex object irresistable to certain females, a “macho” Weiner or so it would seem. Sort of a beltway Brad Pitt? Hmmm? Note as well how Dear Leader inserts his campain rhetoric into statements suggesting Weiner should resign. Rep. Weiner’s district either safely Democrat or doomed to be redisticted out of existance. Either way the Weiner is expenable and no longer worth the bother…

Wild Thing says:

Mark, ditto all you said.

Wild Thing says:

Willy, well said!!