Investigation of medical lies and manipulation at Planned Parenthood of Wisconsin
And this is the sort of routine counseling going on at Planned Parenthood.
Washington Examiner
Here’s something to keep in mind as Democrats risk a government shutdown in order to preserve federal subsidies of Planned Parenthood. From the Center for Responsive Politics:
In 2010, Planned Parenthood and a California affiliate together spent more than $700,000 on federal lobbying efforts, a Center for Responsive Politics analysis of federal lobbying records finds. By comparison, all other organizations that primarily advocate for abortion rights collectively spent $247,280 on federal lobbying efforts during the same period, according to the Center’s research.
Planned Parenthood’s political influence efforts hardly stop at lobbying.
The organization’s political action committee, for example, donated more than $148,000 to federal candidates — almost all Democrats — during the 2010 election cycle. The PAC spent more than $443,000 overall.
Planned Parenthood also recorded $905,796 in independent expenditures during the 2010 cycle — money spent in support of, or in opposition to, federal political candidates, largely through advertisements. The top beneficiaries of this money were Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.) and Patty Murray (D-Wash.).
Source: Live Action
In the year 2007, Planned Parenthood made only 4,912 adoption referrals yet performed 305,310 abortions.
And that doesn’t include the 1,423,365 emergency contraception kits (would that include both Plan B and RU-486?) that PP issued in 2007 — additional abortions, regardless of the semantics.
Wild Thing’s comment……..
Defund Planned Parenthood now!
The latest lie from Planned Parenthood and some democrats, is by shutting down the government, Women won’t be able to get a Mammogram. Only one problem with that lie, PP doesn’t do Mammograms, never have. But nobody seems to notice.
Mark, thank you Mark so much. They sure do lie about what it does. I wish someone on TV would say to them what about the obamacare isn’t that for things like mamograms?
Thanks for your input and information about this.
PP should be investigated under the RICO Act. It sure operates like a mob.