24 Feb

Union Thugs Chant “USA” To A Backdrop Of A Soviet Hammer And Sickle And A Mexican Flag

Union supporters rallied in Denver February 22, 2011, in solidarity with public unions in Wisconsin. In this video, union activists chant “USA” — to a backdrop of a Soviet hammer and sickle and a Mexican flag.

Wild Thing’s comment…….
One can’t help but laugh at how stupid this looks. Too bad we can’t just gather up these goons and ship them out of the country since they want socialism so badly and obviously do not love America.

petesuj says:

“USA” = United Socialist America to these lumps of crap. This disgusts me to the core.

TomR, armed in Texas says:

I hate these protesters, thugs, union guys, leftists, socialist bastards.

Mark says:

Basically these are government Unions. And we the people are their employer. Since they want collective Bargaining rights. Then they should receive an evaluation from their employer, ergo, US.
The average pay for a teacher in Wisconsin is almost 80,000 dollars. it was found out recently, that 66% of 8th grade students can not read at that level and had not passed a 6th grade evaluation test of reading and comprehension. With a record like that there should be some replacements on there way and this current bunch fired.

Wild Thing says:

Great input thank you all so much for your feelings about this and the information.