Governor Walker responded to Obama:
Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker talks about the protests and how they won’t allow the outrageous rhetoric of the Left to intimidate them. He even noted that union protesters arrived at his house a few days ago and the police had to shut the street down.
“I think we’re focused on balancing our budget. It would be wise for the president and others in Washington to focus on balancing their budget, which they’re a long ways from doing,” Walker told Fox News.
Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker: “If anything, I think [the Democrats’ decision to leave the state has] made the Republicans in the Assembly and the Senate stronger. They’re not going to be bullied, they’re not going to be intimidated. I’ve said all along, the thousands of people who are storming the capitol have every right to be heard, but I’m not going to let them overshadow the voices of the millions of taxpayers from the state of Wisconsin who deserve to be heard as well.”
State Sen. Bob Jauch : says the protests and demonstrations against Gov. Scott Walker’s budget repair … “This is the rebirth of the Progressive movement”
Ohio pro-Union thug called tea partyers today Hitler, Nazis, Brown Shirts at their state house rally.
Socialists Rooting for Revolution in Wisconsin
Texas Governor Rick Perry released this statement yesterday in support of Governor Scott Walker of Wisconsin.
Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker is in the middle of what will be a defining moment for our country and the conservative movement.
Governor Walker is directly confronting unsustainable state entitlements by asking government-sector unions to agree to reforms that would limit collective-bargaining for most government-sector employees to wages only, with wages capped to inflation. Under his proposal, union members would also have to vote every year to keep their union.
Rather than debate the measure Thursday, Wisconsin Democrat state senators fled the state while thousands of teachers in Madison and other cities called in sick at the urging of their labor union and forced entire school districts to be closed.
Even President Barack Obama’s political operatives have helped to orchestrate protests.
Simply put, the stakes could not get much higher, which is why I am asking you to show your support for Governor Scott Walker today by clicking HERE.
It is essential that we stand with Governor Walker and show political leaders throughout the country that America is ready to take on its toughest political challenges, and we will not be deterred by the protests of a noisy minority.
Please CLICK HERE right now to show your support for Governor Walker.
Gov. Rick Perry
Wild Thing’s comment……
If you use Facebook , this is Gov. Walkier’s facebook page.
Governor Walker makes Obama look like the lying POS politician that he is. How refreshing to see someone speak honestly. The Wisconsin Governor is just great!
He spells it out and says Obama needs to worry about the Federal budget!
I like this guy!
The Petition To Stand With Walker
This is all about them, me, me, me not what they can do to help but give me more of the free handouts. As Rush said yesterday, they will lose there is no more money, so they either lose or there will be complete financal chaos.
Mark, well said!!! Yess it is all me me me me. Your so right and so is Rush, thanks for sharing what he said too.