18 Feb

Democrat Union Marxists/Communists Target Speaker John Boehner’s Capitol Hill Residence

Group targets Speaker Boehner’s home in D.C.
Washington Examiner
When did demonstrating at the private homes of politicians or corporate executives become an acceptable way to voice one’s political opinions?
Nearly two dozen activists from DC Vote swarmed House Speaker John Boehner’s Capitol Hill residence at 7:30 Thursday morning, chanting “Don’t tread of D.C.” and “No taxation without representation” to protest congressional “meddling” in the District’s local affairs, in particular a House continuing budget resolution that would cut $80 million in federal payments and prohibit the city from using local funds to pay for needle exchange programs and abortions

“Speaker Boehner is coming to our home telling us how to spend our money,” Ilir Zherka, the group’s executive director, told his followers. “We decided to come to his house to tell him to leave D.C. alone.”

After Capitol Police officers blocked their way by using bikes to erect a makeshift barricade, the protestors remained outside Boehner’s home for more than an hour.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
This kind of thing will get worse. The more our side takes a stand for America and what has to be done, it will draw more of the sickos out and obama will applaud them.

BobF says:

Why is it those on the left believe they’re always entitled to other peoples money?

Wild Thing says:

Bob,they really believe that and if confronted about it they get mean and nasty.