04 Feb

Progressives ( Democrats) Call for Lynching of Clarence Thomas

Demonstrators at “progressive” rally in Palm Springs call for Clarence Thomas be hanged, stringed up, tortured, sent back to the fields, etc.
“Uncloaking the Kochs” rally sponsored by Common Cause, AFFCE, The Ruckus Society, 350, Greenpeace, Code Pink, the Progessive Democrats of America, and others. Staged outside venue of Koch Brothers conference in Palm Springs.

Wild Thing’s comment…….
These people are like something that lives under rocks ( sorry rocks ) but they are. They hate goodness that is for sure.

petesuj says:

Too bad this video isn’t all over the news so people can see who the real haters are. If any of these things had been said at a Tea party rally every news outlet in the universe would be playing sound bites of this stuff every 10 minutes. I love the girl who refered to the tea party as racist while her own people want to send C. Thomas “back to the fields.” Too funny.

MrHappy says:

Ah yes the tolerant left. I wonder how many of these fools realize they are just puppets for George Soros to manipulate?

Sean says:

Aren’t these some of the same folks who were accusing Sarah Palin, among others, for inciting actions such as the gunning down of Rep Giffords in Tucson.
My, my it certainly depends on who is attacking and who is being attacked, doesn’t it?

Dani says:

I was just wondering why they staged this rally in Palm Springs? a very conservative area with Congresswoman Mary Bono Mack? Riverside county is a red all the way….me thinks that alot of these people came from some distance to come there…

Wild Thing says:

Thank you all so much.
Dani I wondered that too. I bet they did like you said came from other areas, they do that alot and bus people in for these things.