22 Jan

MSNBC Fires Olbermann ~ Announced Departure and Finale Show Last Night~Good Riddance

via press release:
MSNBC and Keith Olbermann have ended their contract. The last broadcast of “Countdown with Keith Olbermann” will be this evening. MSNBC thanks Keith for his integral role in MSNBC’s success and we wish him well in his future endeavors.

Sources tell Mediaite Keith Olbermann and MSNBC were headed for a breakup long before Comcast’s rise to power, but clearly something set the divorce into motion quickly today, with network promos set to run touting Olbermann’s role in MSNBC’s coverage of next week’s State of the Union address–and, notably, a Keith Olbermann promo running on MSNBC in the hour after the host signed off and left the network…
While Olbermann and his iconic Countdown have been immensely important in the resurgence of MSNBC, Olbermann’s friction with management has been a sticking point. At many points–including the recent suspension over political contributions–tensions rose so high as to lead to serious discussions inside MSNBC about firing their star.
…With Maddow enjoying both immense popularity inside MSNBC and very strong ratings for herRachel Maddow Show, Olbermann’s invincibility as the heart and soul of MSNBC’s brand became softer.In recent weeks, sources tell Mediaite there have been meetings on the topic of Keith Olbermann and his future at the network. Did Comcast–as many Countdown viewers seem to suspect–order Olbermann out? It appears that the end of the Olbermann era at MSNBC was not “ordered” by Comcast, nor was it a move to tone down the network’s politics. Instead, sources inside the network say it came down to the more mundane world of office politics–Olbermann was a difficult employee, who clashed with bosses, colleagues and underlings alike, and with the Comcast-related departure of Jeff Zucker, and the rise of Maddow and O’Donnell, the landscape shifted, making an Olbermann exit suddenly seem well-timed.
Olbermann had signed a new four-year contract with MSNBC two years ago. It’s unclear what his plans are now.

Wild Thing’s comment……
I have never watched his show, I have only seen the YouTube videos when I posted about him a few times.
There is no way I could take watching a show like his.
He won’t be missed.
We will see what road he network will take since Comcast has bought MSNBC.

BobF says:

Olbermann is a masterpiece of depravity.

Anonymous says:

Good riddence.

Sean says:

His show was the #1 ranked on that Network.
If I were Tingles, Maddow, Shultz or O’Donnell, I would definitely be looking over my shoulder.
As far as a change coming as a result of Comcast, I wouldn’t expect too much. The head of Comcast, leans to the left.
As far as Oberdouche, he will probably wind up as a co-host with Maher on HBO.

TomR,armed in Texas says:

I have seen parts of the Olbermann show and that was enough for me. Maybe he can get a czar position with obama.

Rick says:

TomR, I understand Gibbs job at the White House is opening up…

Mark says:

Yeah, I heard that too, and its a toss up between oberman and the new york time.

Willy says:

This is tragic-my dream was to named Uberdouche’s “worst person in the world”. Keithie replacing Bobby Boobie Gibbs as B. Houssein’s propaganda minister? A horifying possibility…

Wild Thing says:

LOL thanks everyone, great input.
Jack thanks for the link. Great to see you.

darthcrUSAderworldtour07 says:

Bye bye Teeth Ubermann!